Task Dependencies

Tasks may depend on other tasks. This means, Task B must start not before Task A was finished, with a certain delay. Shifting Task A forward will shift Task B right after the end of Task A.

Drag and drop a task on another task to add a new dependency or to remove an existing dependency. The dependency is shown as a relation line with an arrow to the depending task.

Double-Click on the depending task to edit more options for the dependency.

Dependency Types

There are four types of task dependencies:

End-Start Task B must start right after Task A ends.
Start-Start Task B must start right after Task A starts.
End-End Task B must end right after Task A ends.
Start-End Task B must end right after Task A starts.

A task can depend on different other tasks. Circular references are not allowed, the program will check for this.

When you want a dependency to be displayed with an arrow, but without moving the task automatically, set the Relation-Mode to Soft.


Tasks can depend on other tasks with a certain delay (in days or hours).

E.g.: Task B must not start earlier than one day after Task A was finished,
enter 1d for the delay. The program auto-detects the Duration-Type of this delay.

ProjectPlanner 2014 also supports negative delays. Select Direction=Backwards for negative delays.