
KS-ProjectPlanner Pro 2022

In the first releases, KS-ProjectPlanner was published as a freeware. There have been many downloads and user requests for more features. Many of the requested features are now realized in the Pro Version. The program has also become much more powerful. Where the freeware version could handle hundreds of tasks fluently, the Pro version can […]

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License – therms and conditions

ProjectPlanner 2014 is provided as is, without warranties of any kind. We don’t claim that this software is error-free. So use at your own risk and please report any problems or bugs. ProjectPlanner 2014 is released as FreeWare, what means, it is free to use, without any charge. The software, the documentation and other related […]

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Resource Leveling by Genetic Algorithm Solver The solver can optimize the project plan for you. It prevents overlapping of resources and optimizes the project for duration and cost. At any time call menu Project|Solver. Solving can be repeated as often as you like. If you don’t like the results, press Undo to go back. The […]

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SQL-Server Support

ProjectPlanner 2014 can store the data on a MS-SQL-Server. Features and Benefits this allows multi-user and multi-project management. Resources, Calendars and Skills are managed globally and are accessible for all projects. in the Resource-Chart, the resource allocations are included from all projects. Allocations from other projects are displayed ghosted. the SQL-Server allows to report the […]

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Task Constraints

You can set different constraints for a task: Start-Date / End-Date Constraints here you set eraliest start-date latest start-date earliest end-date latest end-date Latest end-date could be called the Deadline for the task. Setting an eraliest start-date and a latest end-date together, will lock the task. It cannot be moved anymore. These constraints are displayed […]

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ASAP stands for as soon as possible. In other words: Tasks are aligned to the left. Where left means: The position of the left most task. There are tree ways, to set tasks asap: No task is selected and the ASAP icon is clicked: All tasks in the project are aligned ASAP. Some tasks are […]

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Project Cost

Select menu Project->Project Cost to calculate the cost for the entire Project or for the selected tasks. When no task is selected, the cost for the entire project is calculated. When one or more tasks are selected, the cost is calculated for the selected tasks. You must create some resources, define their cost per hour […]

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Resource Chart

In the main-window tabs, click on Resource-Chart to activate the resource-chart. The resource-chart shows all Resource Allocations. So if there are no resources applied to any tasks, the resource-chart is empty. Go on and add some resources to some tasks. The resources are listed in alphabetical order. Under each resource, the associated tasks are shown […]

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Resource Allocations

Add Resources Use menu Edit->Add Resource [F8] and add some resources to your project. Assign Resources to Tasks Double-click on a task to edit it’s properties. Go to tab Resources and add one or more resources to this task. Set the assigned Units for each allocation, usually 100%. Select the desired Task-Type on the first […]

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